Senin, 09 Februari 2009

about me

  My name is Istiqomah.My nick name is Iis.I live in Sekapuk,ujung pangkah,gresik .I hore Gresik,28 augst 1996.Usually I like writing.I age 12 years old.My hobby is gardening and play computer.MY favorite food is fride rice and my favorite drink is just orange.My favorite color is blue and favorite flower is mawar.My desire is become a doctor.because I want help many peoples.My school in Junior High School 1 SIDAYU.I very happy school in Junior High School 1 Sidayu because there are many friends.  
  I have a big family.I live by my parens,my sister,and my grand mather .my father name is H.amin.His favorite food is chiken care and favorite drink is degan .my father work like entrepreneur,and my mather too.My mather is very beautiful.her favorite food is meat ball and favorite drink is degan eas . And my sister name is Iin Rachmawati.Usually she call is Iin. She now marry finish.I only have one sister.And my grand mather is a house wife.Usually I help she to cooking,watering flower,gardening.she is house wife very perfect.I very like dengan masakan my grand mather.I very happy can have a good family.
   My home in sekapuk village ,ujung pangkah,gresik .My home in front of home is big and I very happy in my home because,“my home is my heaven”.My favorite place in my home in my best frient too usually play in my my home there is 12 place terdiri dari 5 living room,4 bath room,a garage,a garden,and then a kichen.In my photo room has my photo with my family.I have shop,usually I help my father and my mather in shop.In my home very many flowers,because my father,my grand mather like flowers.Usually I watering flowers dengan my grand mather. 

6 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum Iis...
    in your posting at paragraph 1 you write"I hore Gresik,28 augst 1996.usually you must write"I born gresik ,28 augst 1996.

  2. Assalamualaikum..............
    iis, your blog is very good and your write is good too.Thanks yach!!!!!!!!!!

  3. assalamualaikum.........
    hello iis!!!!!!!! your writing is good but, your clock there'nt the number i don't like it

  4. Assalamualaikum......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hay Iis, I like your writing, but in paragraph 1 your write "fride rice" actually "fried rice" and where is your wallpaper???? Why you not give wallpaper in your blog????????????

  5. Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
    Your blog is good.but there is not wallpaper.
    And in your writing there are mistake.Example:
    augst,mather,favorite drink is degan eas,I very like dengan masakan my grand mather.
    But your blog still good.

    Sorry,if my comment there is mistake,please pardoned.

    Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

  6. assalamu'alaikum
    iis..your blog is good,,but still have errors , for example :
    my chiken,parens,mawar,dengan my grand mather. I corrected
